The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens the baptized and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses of Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith. It imprints a character, enriches by the gifts of the Holy Spirit the baptized continuing on the path of Christian initiation, and binds them more perfectly to the Church. (CCL #879)
“Remember, then, that you received a spiritual seal, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, the spirit of holy fear. Keep safe what you received. God the Father sealed you, Christ the Lord strengthened you and sent the Spirit into your hearts as the pledge of what is to come.”
— St. Ambrose
Youth Confirmation
If you have a child entering 8th grade who HAS COMPLETED 7th grade faith formation in a parish catechesis program, a Catholic school or through an approved homeschool program, and who are now prepared to begin their second year of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, we invite you and your child to attend a Parent/Candidate Confirmation Orientation in October, which will give more details about Confirmation preparation requirements.
Contact Vicki Arndt, Director of Faith Formation - Middle School, RCIA for Children, Director of Hispanic Ministry & ESL, at 720-215-4523 or
If you have a child entering 8th - 12th grades who is MISSING 2 or more years of prior faith formation and desires to learn more about the Catholic faith and receiving the Sacraments of First Holy Communion AND Confirmation,
it is never too late to receive God's grace! To schedule a meeting to learn about the classes available for the spiritual growth of your children, contact Vicki Arndt, Sacrament Formation, at 303-688-3025 ext. 104 or ​​
Download Sponsor Form here.
Download Godparent/Sponsor Form in SPANISH here.
Confirmation Sponsor Information
Sponsors are expected to:
accompany the parent/guardian during the entire time of Confirmation catechesis;
present the Confirmation candidate for the Sacrament of Confirmation;
be stewards of the life of the child’s faith journey;
assist in guiding the child.
To be admitted to the role of Sponsor, a person must:
I am at least 16 years old and mature enough in my faith to understand and carry out the duties of a Godparent/Sponsor.
I am a practicing Catholic and registered at:
I attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and regularly receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation.
I have received the Catholic Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
I believe all that the Catholic Church professes and teaches and
I truly make an effort to incorporate these teachings in my daily life.
I am aware that I am assuming responsibility to be a good role model for the person
I am sponsoring (Godparent) by my life of prayer and by my Catholic example.
I have attended a Baptism Preparation Class within the last three years (for Baptism Godparents only).
If I am Married:
_____ My marriage is a Marriage in the Catholic Church
_____ My civil marriage has been convalidated in the Catholic Church
_____ My marriage is a civil marriage
If I am Single/Divorced:
_____ Yes, I am living chastely as appropriate for an unmarried Christian life.
Catholics who are married by a Justice of the Peace, at another Christian church without permission, and those cohabiting do not meet the requirements to be a Godparent/Sponsor.
Canon law states that it is preferable the Confirmation Sponsor be the baptismal Godparents so the link between Baptism and Confirmation is clearly defined. Only one Catholic Sponsor is required. A proxy is not acceptable per Canon Law.
Adult Confirmation
If you are a baptized Catholic adult (age 18+) who desires the Sacrament of Confirmation, contact Dominic Cingoranelli at