Elementary Faith Formation | stfranciscr
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Elementary Faith Formation

Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Parish Faith Formation for children! It is our mission to provide your family with resources and information to enhance your spiritual life and that of your family. Our program helps children to grow spiritually and socially as valued members of our parish and our community.

curriculum KINDERGARTEN through 5th grade

Kindergarten through 5th grade will use the Word of Life curriculum by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press.

For more information on the
Word of Life curriculum, please visit the
Augustine Institute Website.

Word of Life curriculum.JPG

God's Plan of Love
God loves me
God created us out of love
God keeps His promises
The life of Jesus, our Savior
Jesus saves us
God gives us the Church

Grade 1
God's Promise of a Savior
God loves us and created us
Preparing for the Savior
Jesus, our Savior has come
Jesus saves us from our sins
We share in Jesus' life

Grade 2
Salvation History: God's Presence in the Sacraments
The need for a savior
God's loving plan to save us
God's plan is fulfilled through Jesus
Jesus save us from our sins
Jesus gives Himself to us in the Eucharist

Grade 3
Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
Created for communion
The communion is love is broken
Jesus repairs the communion of love At Mass we worship God
Our life in Christ
Our mission in Christ

Grade 4
The Creed; Truth and Our Response of Faith
We believe: united in faith and truth
I believe in God
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
I believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Catholic Church
I believe in the firgiveness of sins and life everlasting

Grade 5
Liturgy and Worship
God works and in justice werespond
God became man so that man might become like God
Christ's victory through water and the Spirit
Jesus fulfills God's work
Our life of grace flows from the Paschal Mystery

2024 ~ 2025 elementary faith formation schedule 
Classes will be offered during these days and times this year:​
  • Sunday:  Kinder thru 5th - 8am to 9:15am ​​​
  • Wednesday:  Kinder thru 5th - 4:45pm to 6:00pm ( (Same time as Middle School) 
       Wednesday classes will take turns assisting at Mass 5:00-5:30pm.                                                                    
Please complete the Adult Volunteer Form and Volunteer Waiver Form if you feel God is calling you to share your faith with our youth. All Adult volunteers must be SET trained before teaching in the classroom. SET Foundational and Update Training will be held during Catechist Training events in early September.
If you have a child entering 2nd grade, who is baptized Catholic, has a prior year of faith formation with at least 70% attendance, is attending Mass regularly and learning their prayers, we invite you to attend the Sacrament Prep Orientation in October so your child can receive this most Blessed Sacrament. Please take a moment to view the Sacramental Parent Prep Dates (Coming Soon)  and mark these dates on your calendar now as attendance is required. NOTE:  If you have children in your family who have received First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the year 2022, you need only attend the third Sacramental Parent Prep sessions.
If you have a child entering 2nd grade who is missing a prior year of faith formation AND who desires First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, then please enroll your child in 2nd gradeYear I to satisfy the first year of sacramental preparation and contact Maribel Talafuse, Director of Kinder - 5th Faith Formation, at 720-215-4524 or mtalafuse@stfranciscr.org.
More information regarding proper preparation to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is available here.
If you have a child entering  3rd, 4th or 5th grade who is missing more than 2 years of faith formation AND who desires First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, contact Vicki Arndt, Sacrament Formation, at 303-688-3025 ext. 104 or varndt@stfranciscr.org.
Parents are asked to drop off/pick up children from the classroom for those attending grades Kinder to 8th grades. Sign-in/out sheets will be inside the classroom. This procedure assures the safety of the children and provides an opportunity for the catechist to speak with a family member as needed. An older elementary, middle school or high school child under the age of 18 does not qualify to sign a younger sibling in and out. Please follow the parking lot instructions regarding the safety zones provided on the map above.
Information regarding the K through 5th Elementary Faith Formation program will be communicated to those concerned in several formats with email being the primary method of communication. Information can also be found on the Children/Youth bulletin board located near Assisi Hall, in the Sunday Bulletin, and on the St. Francis of Assisi Parish website.
Sometimes parent/guardians become concerned that their youth will tire of coming to Mass or going to class. Youth rejoice in the opportunity to come to church for liturgy, primarily because they are doing something with their fellow students and friends, and if the parents act as a model by rejoicing with them and showing their sincere interest in the Mass. Youth take their obligations to participate in Catholic Formation seriously when parents are supportive of the catechists, ministers, and programs offered. Please help us by becoming part of the movement to bring all children to Christ’s love. The involvement of the parents/guardians in completing materials sent home, discussing the information presented in class, and providing space to display completed projects express to the children that this is essential to their happiness in life.
It is important that families take part in our Parish special events planned throughout the year. Family attendance at Sunday Liturgy is critical. We come to Sunday Mass not only to worship God and refresh our mind, body, and soul, but to partake of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, the source and summit of our Catholic faith. Please note that formation class is not considered a substitute for Sunday Liturgy. We all know how our Christian peers can influence our spiritual devotion and this, in turn, will greatly influence our children. Let us always seek the Life and Love of Christ so that we may love Him as He loved His Father.
Attendance is expected at all faith formation classes. It is understood extra-curricular activities pose scheduling challenges. If you are aware of upcoming scheduled absences please contact me. Remember, all classwork missed, must be made up and returned to your child’s Catechist. If your child has missed more than a year of faith formation, please call to set up a time to discuss various options available to support your desire to model and teach the Catholic faith to your children.
Notifications will be sent via email and the St. Francis of Assisi Parish website. If school for the Douglas County High School feeder is canceled – we will cancel. As always, use your best judgment when deciding whether to bring children to class due to inclement weather.
Maribel Talafuse
Director of Kinder - 5th Faith Formation and
Sacrament Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
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