Deepen Your Faith
Eucharistic Revival 2022-2025

​Jem Sullivan helps us ponder Caravaggio’s masterpiece “Supper at Emmaus.”
David Spesia shares how a few words from a priest about the Mass changed his life.
Father Agustino Torres reflects on his powerful encounter with Christ in the Eucharist.
Jesus is inviting you to go deeper. Draw close to him. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith—his Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.
What is your charism?
The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 200,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. It is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God's goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003). All three parts of the process are necessary for discovering where you are gifted.
for children
Catholic mom, Nancy, offers a mix of prayer, saint stories, Scripture, and daily living designed for kids and young families.
Online Faith Formation: My Catholic Faith Delivered
Chantal Baros recreates saint stories, told in an engaging style and intermixed with sound effects for kids.
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Helps Catholic families encounter Christ more meaningfully at home and draw closer to each other by living the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life.
for Adults

A mix of interviews, question and answer, apologetics, and timely topics from the news, all with an emphasis on the Catholic faith.
Totally free Newsletter
Every day, you’ll get a list of stories from OSV and beyond to help keep you mentally and spiritually grounded during this time of uncertainty
Evangelist Matt Fradd mixes it up with frequent guests on the general topic of how Thomas Aquinas relates to everyday life.
A mix of interviews, question and answer, apologetics, and timely topics from the news, all with an emphasis on the Catholic faith.
Evangelist Cameron Fradd speaks with friends and guests about living as a Catholic woman.
Offers a compilation of the best segments from the Jen Fulwiler Show from SiriusXM Radio. Jen is a former atheist turned Catholic speaker turned comedian.
Catholic News Agency brings you great Catholic news stories each week.