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Annointing of the Sick
One time a priest was summoned in haste by a woman taken deathly ill. He answered the call, though somewhat puzzled, for he knew that she...
Economy of Life
Last week, Pope Francis traveled to Assisi to close the event called, “The Economy of Francis." The gathering brought together young...
Building Bridges
What another uncomfortable Gospel today! The chasm between heaven and hell is wide and cannot be crossed. Therefore, while we’re still...
Diocesan Synod
Remember when Bishop Golka visited us for the Diocesan Synod Listening Session on March 8? If you missed it, you missed a great...
Today we remember the tragic events of the terrorist attacks on our country in 2001. Thankfully, news of terrorism has diminished greatly...
Shia LaBeouf
To calculate the cost of being a disciple, today’s Gospel gives us a powerful example. To see how this works out in real life consider...
Happenings of the week
Thanks so much to everyone who made our Annual Golf Tournament another wonderful success. We had a sell-out crowd on Monday. Even Bishop...
Health update
I had perfect attendance back in my high school days. I went four years without missing a class. I’ve been blessed with good health for a...
Set the Earth on Fire
I served in Colorado Springs for nearly 20 years. When people think of Colorado Springs they often think, “Christian - Safe and...
Peru Mission Trip
Thanks so much to Father Chance and all the volunteers who spread the mulch around our church last Saturday. We’ve been waiting for its...
Peru Mission Trip
Greetings from Pamplona, Perú! I’m not running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, but building a retaining wall for the people of...
St. Joseph Tapestry
Our new tapestry of Saint Joseph arrived! I hope you agree that it looks beautiful! It was donated by an anonymous parishioner. Pope...
Fr. Mark's Installation
Thanks so much to Bishop Golka for his visit this weekend and for installing me as Pastor here. I’m so happy to be here and to have his...
Pastor Fr. Mark
Hope you all can join us next Saturday, July 16 at the 5:30 PM Mass for my Installation as your new Pastor. I have already been here for...
Meet Fr. Chance!
Hello dear parishioners and staff. I have been asked to do a little write up as I return to St. Francis of Assisi to help introduce...
Ah, Summer! Vacations, BBQ, Family, Friends. Hope you’re enjoying the good old summertime! Life often takes us outside our parish for...
Happy Father' s Day!
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of our Dads! We wouldn’t be here, if it weren’t for good old Dad (and Mom). Both my Dad and Mom went to heaven...
Fr. Homero
I regret to inform you that Fr Homero will be leaving us sooner than expected. His Bishop has called him back to Peru. Bishop Golka...
On this Pentecost Sunday we give thanks to the Holy Spirit for the gift of a new Deacon and two new Priests for our Diocese!...
Let the Children Come to Me
Dear Parents of Young Children, Welcome! We are grateful that you and your family have joined us for Mass here at Saint Francis of...
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