When I was studying preaching in the seminary, our professor had us read poetry, out loud, as part of each class. Poetry speaks differently than a dissertation. When you listen to a poem (or in the case of our Gospel today, a Parable) you might wonder, “Why doesn’t the author just come right out and say it?” Why doesn’t Jesus just skip the story and just get right to the point?” (The point being the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven!) Maybe you just want answers and “book-learnin’ (like my Dad used to say), but how about letting the Mystery get close to you? Live inside you? Jesus! God-with-us! The mystery of His heaven, close to you, inside you!
All of our Bible readings this weekend invite us to be fertile and fruitful. Perfect for this Summertime and after all the rain that we’ve been having! We, of the earth, are “rained upon” by God’s gracious showers of life. The One who showers us and the one who sows His seed are the same; helping us to grow from the dirt-level to the heavenly-level. All creation is groaning in labor pains. We also groan within ourselves as we await the
redemption of our bodies.
We pray to receive grace as plants long for rain. We bathe in God’s love as flowers soak in the sun. We live generously by giving life, sustaining life, caring for life - from the womb to the tomb. Answers and “book learning’” don’t save. They just invite more questions! But poems, Parables, are for those who want to know beyond knowledge; to hear and see beyond the senses. Jesus! God-with-us, the mystery of His
Heaven! Let Him get close to you! Inside you!
Fr. Mark Zacker