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Fr. Mark's Installation

Thanks so much to Bishop Golka for his visit this weekend and for installing me as Pastor here. I’m so happy to be here and to have his support and yours. Thanks to all those who prepared the reception afterward. I truly appreciate all your work.

This week, we are welcoming young people on a mission here to our community in Castle Rock. They will be working downtown and in various neighborhoods giving witness to the Gospel and putting it into action. Please pray for them. Thanks to Mary Carmen in our parish office for her leadership in organizing this mission.

Next weekend, I will be joining Tod Masters and eight other young adults from our parish on a mission trip to Peru. Father Homero had planned to go, but with his new assignment, I will be taking his place. We will be working in a community outside of Lima doing construction projects and sharing our faith with our Peruvian brothers and sisters in Christ. We will return on August 4. Pray for us that we be safe and sound and have a blessed mission. Pray for Father Chance as he covers all of the responsibilities here.

Like Martha in today’s Gospel, I can get anxious and worried about many things — especially when there are so many things happening! I need Jesus to calm me down, too. Everything we do here, we are doing for Jesus. But I have to remember that Jesus is the one who makes it all happen in the first place! The one thing necessary is to learn from Martha’s sister, Mary: to sit beside the Lord at his feet and listen to him speak. May we all make that time to be with our Lord and listen to Him speak!

Rev. Mark Zacker



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