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Lent: The Gift that Keeps Giving

Updated: Feb 20

A young girl approached a holy woman for advice:

  "Please tell me, how do you become holy?”

 - "Two words."

  “And what are those words, please?”

- "Good choices."

The young girl was fascinated:

  “How do you learn to make good choices?”

 -"One word."

  "One word.  Can you please tell me?” 


The young girl was excited:

   “How do you grow?”

- "Two words."

  “What are they?  Please.”

- "Wrong choices."

Jesus' first proclamation in Sunday's gospel, to repent and then believe, continues to this day.  We just have to allow Him to lift us out of the misery of sin into a renewed awakening of faith -- again and again.  That's why we have the season of Lent — again and again.

Please join us in welcoming Father Paul Williams.  He is a priest from Georgia spending time serving now in our Diocese.  With a third priest joining us, please check the revised Mass schedule.  What a wonderful opportunity to draw closer to Jesus this Lent with the additional Masses we will begin to offer. Please join us and welcome Father Paul.

Fr. Mark Zacker


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