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“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (Corinthians 9:6-8). Keeping these words close to our hearts as we sit down to do our taxes this year is important. You might be wondering in what ways you can give back, and the Diocese has you covered.

During this tax season as we’re all thinking about our finances a little more this month, you can join our most faithful parishioners with two non-cash ways of giving:

  1. Donate appreciated stocks: This way of giving helps you avoid the Capital Gains Tax. You can also take a charitable deduction for the entire donation amount if you itemize donations. Using this secure online tool only takes a couple of minutes to access account information to share with a broker or fill out the forms online to complete the gift electronically. Visit:

  2. Donate from your IRA: In many cases, IRA giving is 100% tax-free for eligible donors, allowing you to give more while saving. If you are 70.5 years or older, this type of gift can reduce your future tax burden and for some, even help fulfill their Required Minimum Distribution. Learn more about this way of giving today. Visit:

Join fellow parishioners in putting God’s love into action. I hope you’ll consider these tax-savvy opportunities to make a powerful impact on your parish and your Diocese.

If you would like to learn more or have any questions please contact Jamie Crane, Director of Development and Planned Giving at (719)-866-6518or

Rev. Mark Zacker

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