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Speak Lord, Your Servant is Listening

As we begin this new year 2024, one of my personal goals is to have more of our young men enter the seminary in order to become priests in our Diocese.  I was Pastor at Corpus Christi Church and School in Colorado Springs for 12 years.  Currently, six of our former altar servers there are in the seminary studying to be priests.  How about here?  Saint Francis?  Castle Rock?

The spiritual journey begins with the question "What are you looking for?"  It should come as no surprise that everyone has the same answer.  We are looking for happiness.  But what does happiness consist of?  This seems to be the purpose of Jesus' question in the Gospel today.  Jesus asks John's disciples, "'What are you looking for?'"

Different people desire different things.  In the second reading St. Paul calls out the Corinthians for seeking physical pleasure.  Others desire power, prestige, and money in the pursuit of happiness.  Andrew and his friend in the gospel have another goal in their pursuit of happiness.  They want a close relationship with God. Therefore, they answer Jesus' question by saying that they want to see where he lives.  

All of us have a call from God, whether to religious life, the sacrament of Holy Orders, marriage, or the single life.  But our Diocese needs more priests.  I am happy to meet with any man from our parish who is curious.  Talk to me if you have any questions or interests.  This year I will be celebrating 28 years as a priest.  May many more respond to the call of Jesus!  Like Samuel in the first reading you can begin just by praying, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”

Fr. Mark Zacker


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