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The Spirit of Greccio: Preparing to Welcome Christ and Christmas

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

As we approach the joyful season of Christmas, I want to invite you to a special parish mission with Father David Songy, OFM, Capuchin.  The theme of the mission is  "The Spirit of Greccio: Preparing to Welcome Christ at Christmas."  The Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will help us prepare for the celebration of Christ's presence in a world that struggles to believe. The Word of God and the Sacraments will open our hearts anew to the joy of the Incarnation.

The mission begins Monday night, December 9 with 6:00 PM Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation, the Immaculate Conception of Mary, followed by a talk on Preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation immediately after Mass.  Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00 PM will be our Advent Penance Service.  Father David and other visiting priests will be here to help you prepare for Christmas with a good confession.  Please come to Confession this night and bring others who may have been away for a while.  We want to welcome everyone back!  On Wednesday, December 11 at 5:00 PM, Father David will celebrate Mass with all of our Faith Formation children, parents, and catechists.  Of course, everyone is welcome to join us!

Fr. Mark Zacker


Here is Reverend David Songy's Biography:

Rev. David Songy, O.F.M. Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D., is a priest of the Capuchin Province of Saint Conrad, clinical psychologist, and author of Spiritual Direction for Priestly Celibacy. Prior to serving as Provincial Quester for the Capuchin Franciscans, Father David was President and CEO of Saint Luke Institute, a renown international treatment program for Catholic clergy and consecrated religious. He has also served in a variety of seminary formation roles: spiritual director, prefect of studies, director of counseling services, and professor at several institutions: the Pontifical North American College in Rome, Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary and St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Fr. David holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of Denver and a doctorate in sacred theology from the Teresianum, the Pontifical Institute of Spirituality in Rome. He holds a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Loyola College and theology degrees from Aquinas Institute. Fr. Songy speaks Italian, Spanish and Tok Pisin, the language of Papua New Guinea. He is an international speaker on topics such as priestly spirituality, formation in priestly celibacy, and the integration of psychology and Catholic spiritual theology. However, he loves most the opportunity to share his Franciscan spirituality through preaching parish missions and conducting retreats for clergy, religious, and laity.

A medida que nos acercamos a la alegre temporada de Navidad, quiero invitarles a una misión parroquial especial con el Padre David Songy, OFM, Capuchino.  El tema de la misión es "El Espíritu de Greccio: Preparándonos para acoger a Cristo en Navidad.” La Eucaristía y el Sacramento de la Reconciliación nos ayudarán a prepararnos para la celebración de Cristo presente en un mundo que lucha por creer. La Palabra de Dios y los Sacramentos abrirán de nuevo nuestros corazones a la alegría de la Encarnación.

La misión comienza el lunes 9 de diciembre por la noche con la Misa (bilingüe) de las 6:00 PM por el Día de Obligación, la Inmaculada Concepción de María, seguida de una charla sobre la Preparación para el Sacramento de la Reconciliación inmediatamente después de la Misa.  Martes, 10 de diciembre a las 7:00 PM será nuestro Servicio de Penitencia de Adviento.  El Padre David y otros sacerdotes visitantes estarán aquí para ayudarle a prepararse para la Navidad con una buena confesión.  Por favor vengan a confesarse esta noche y traigan a otros que hayan estado ausentes por un tiempo.  Queremos darles la bienvenida a todos.  El miércoles, 11 de diciembre a las 5:00 PM, el Padre David celebrará la Misa en inglés con todos nuestros niños de Formación de Fe, padres y catequistas.  ¡Por supuesto, todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros!

P. Mark Zacker



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