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Well done, my good and faithful servant

Welcome to our Stewardship Commitment Weekend!  Please return your completed Commitment Cards which you received in the mail or found in the church pews (if you have not done so on-line already).

Today’s Bible readings call us to live not just for the “here and now,” but rather with eternity in mind.  We will be called one day to give an account for the gifts that God has given us.  Are we making the best use of our gifts with the time we have been given?

What a privilege we have been given!  Like the master in the Gospel parable today, God wants to give to each of us the joy and satisfaction of helping grow His kingdom on earth.  

Please, I pray that each of us embrace this way of life, using all the gifts entrusted to us — Time, Talent, and Treasure.  I pray that at the end of our life on this earth we will hear those same words from our Father:  “Well done, my good and faithful servant. . . Come, share your master’s joy.” 

Fr Mark Zacker


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